20.03.2012 in Sweet Katicat cattery are born three kittens
21.03.2012 in St.Ifferini is born one kitten
23.03.2012 in Alsiade's Fleur cattery are born four kittens
20.03.2012 in Sweet Katicat cattery are born three kittens
21.03.2012 in St.Ifferini is born one kitten
23.03.2012 in Alsiade's Fleur cattery are born four kittens
GIC S RausHöjden Kentauros (on 17.03 CACS and BIV on 18.03 CACS BIV and BIS NOM), owner Merike Sepp
IC EE* Lady Elinor Herencia (2x CAGCIB), owner Maaris Paukson
IC/GIP EE*Armani Herencia (on 17.03 CAPS and BIS NOM on 18.03 HP and BIS NOM), owner Maaris Paukson
Armani Herencia is Estonian first "Supreme Premior".
03.03.12 Arista L`Amour EX1, CAC CH
04.03.12 Arista L`Amour EX1, CACIB
Vortigern Art EX1, CAC CH
03.03.12 Milamos Honeybee EX1, CAGIB and GIC
04.03.12 Milamos Honeybee EX1, CACE
CH Lady Elinor Herencia (25.02 CACIB & Inter Champion Title; 26.02 CAGCIB), owner Maaris Paukson
IC/GIC Armani Herencia (25.02 CACS & BIS NOM; 26.02 CACS), owner Maaris Paukson
GIC S *RausHöjden's Kentauros (CACS & BIS NOM), owner Merike Sepp
Baie des Amours Vortigern Art (2x CAC & BIV), owner Ivar Eensoo
Arista L`Amour St. Ifferini (2x CAC), owner Ivar Eensoo
Aleron L`Amour St. Ifferini (2x CAC), owner Tiiu Zibo
Andonis L`Amour St. Ifferini (25.02 CAC; 26.02 EX1), owner Helen Allikmäe
GIC Timothy Klaudia (2x CACS), owner Kati Valkenpert
IC Milamos Honeybee (2x CAGIB), owner Klaudia Soots
Diamanta Klaudia (2x EX1; BIS NOM), owner Klaudia Soots
näitusel osalesid veel ka Diorella Klaudia ja Destini Klaudia
Milamos Honeybee (2x CAGCIB)
Diamanta Klaudia (2x BIV and on the second day BIS NOM)
CH Milamos Honeybee
on firt day 2 CACIB,(BIS NOM) and IC; on second day CAGCIB and (BIS NOM)
CH Milamos Honeybee: 2x CACIB and on first day BIS NOM, owner Klavdia Soots
IC Eliana Du Grand Baronnet: on first day CACIB and GIC; on second day CAGCIB, owner Klavdia Soots
from 81st INTERNATIONAL CAT SHOW HELSINKI arrived Raus Höjden's Kentauros with 'Grand International Championi' title !!