20.06.2011 in Klaudia cattery are born four kittens. Three boys and a girl.
mother: IC Tärn Nättinukka
Father: EC Milamos Arnold
20.06.2011 in Klaudia cattery are born four kittens. Three boys and a girl.
mother: IC Tärn Nättinukka
Father: EC Milamos Arnold
19.06.2011 Alsiade’s Fleur had first litter of kittens, four little critter.
Kittens feel good and secure, under his mother protective wing.
mother: CH S Chimär’s Unelma
Father: IC S RausHöjden’s Kentauros
Welcome to 128 and 129 International Cat Shows in Estonia, Tallinn
August 20-21, 2011
IC/IP Armani Herencia (2x CAGPIB = Grand International Premior), owner Maaris Paukson
GIC S*Raus Höjden’s Mazarina (2x CACS + BIS NOM on Saturday), owner Maaris Paukson
IC S*Raus Höjden’s Kentauros (2x CAGCIB), owner Merike Sepp
IC Una Marine Klaudia (CAGCIB = Grand International champion and CACS), owner Ivar Eensoo
Arista L`Amour St. Ifferini (2x EX1), owner Ivar Eensoo
Exhibition results:
Armani Herencia 2*CAP
Belinda Herencia CAC CH
Timothy Klaudia CAGIB
Una Marine Klaudia on 13.11 EX1 CACIB and she is now Inter Champion, on 14.11 EX1 CAGCIB and BIV
RausHöjdens Kentauros (in class 11) 2*Ex1